
我们小而强大的团队正在处理海伦飓风和米尔顿飓风的 3,000 多份申请。申请的处理时间可能为 6 到 8 周,具体取决于您的申请日期——案件按收到的顺序处理。您必须 网上申请 寻求帮助。Helene 和 Milton 的申请截止日期均为 11 月 25 日。

如果您申请的援助与灾难无关,我们会尽快处理您的案件。请直接联系您的案件经理或 casemanagement@southernsmoke.org 了解任何更新。感谢您在这段艰难时期的耐心等待。我们致力于尽快为您服务,并期待有机会为您提供帮助。

我们非常感谢大家的支持,感谢慷慨的捐助者,迄今为止,我们已向受到飓风海伦和米尔顿影响的 367 名餐饮业工人提供了 $528,600 美元,目前有 3,000 多份申请正在处理中。

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San Antonio, TX /

Growing up on the border has given this El Paso born Chef a unique perspective that has help shape her culinary career. Since 2015, Chef Melissa has made herself an integral part of the culinary scene in San Antonio. As a senior team member of the critically acclaimed and nationally lauded Mixtli, Melissa continues to dive into the history of Mexican cuisine while refining her skills as a chef and a leader. In 2022 Chef Melissa joined the elite  ranks of expat chefs that make up FamilyMEAL. The group highlights and magnifies the unique cuisine of her border town. While raising money and awareness for migrant families and children.