Para que podamos ayudar, necesitamos ayuda.

Desde el huracán Beryl hasta los incendios en Ruidoso y todas las crisis intermedias, Southern Smoke Foundation está ahí para ayudar a los trabajadores de alimentos y bebidas. Mantenemos a las familias seguras en sus hogares. Mantenemos las luces encendidas por miles de personas. Mantenemos la industria en movimiento.

Fechas límites para la Aplicación
Incendios de Ruidoso: miércoles 31 de julio de 2024
Huracán Beryl: viernes 16 de agosto de 2024

Para que podamos otorgar fondos de ayuda de emergencia a nuestros solicitantes, nosotros también necesitamos financiación.

Ayúdanos a ayudar a alguien hoy.


Even a little
goes a long way.


Make a Donation


Cada dólar donado apoya a aquellos en la industria de alimentos y bebidas. Usted los conoce. Es posible que hayan chamuscado su bistec o elaborado su cóctel favorito. Tal vez le pasaron salsa extra a través de la ventanilla del autoservicio, o cultivaron la comida ellos mismos. No importa quiénes sean o dónde vivan en los EE. UU., su generosidad mejora sus vidas. En nombre de todos ellos, gracias.

With your support, we can continue to pay for essentials like groceries, clothing, and rent, as well as cover the cost of life-saving medications, natural disaster damages, lost wages, and more for F + B workers who need it most. Your support also allows us to continue to evolve and expand our mental health program to F + B workers in California, Illinois, Louisiana, New York, and Texas—with the goal of providing services in all fifty states!

Thanks to generous donors like you, we have granted more than $11M to F + B workers in crisis since 2017. In addition, we launched our mental health program, Behind You, in August 2020 and have funded more 3,600 no-cost counseling sessions for F + B workers in several states through university clinic grants.

We are both founded and fueled by leadership who deeply understand the unique stressors and dynamics of the F + B industry, and we encourage you to join us in serving those who are always there to serve us.

Levels of Giving


average cost of one tank of gas for an F + B worker to get to and from work


average cost of one counseling session for one F + B worker through the Detrás de ti mental health program


helps an F + B worker pay for one month of vital medication without insurance


helps a single parent working in F + B pay for childcare


average amount to support one F+B worker’s no-cost counseling through the Detrás de ti mental health program


average out-of-pocket cost for an ER visit


helps permanently relocate an F + B worker fleeing domestic violence


supports out-of-pocket costs related to loss of life, including funeral and/or burial services for an F + B worker


average weekly amount of emergency relief funding distributed to F + B workers nationwide


average amount to fund one year of the Detrás de ti mental health program at one university


Hungry to help?


Make a Donation

Double your impact

Did you know that you can double your donation through our matching donation program?

Many employers provide matching gift programs to match charitable contributions made by their employees. Gifts from employees’ spouses and retirees may also qualify for a match. Search to find out if your employer has a matching gift program.

Here’s how the gift matching process unfolds:

  1. Donar

    Make your personal donation and save your tax receipt. Many matching programs will allow for up to one year after you’ve made your donation to request a corporate match.

  2. Search

    Using the Double the Donation search bar below, find out if your company offers a matching gift program and review the guidelines. No results? Contact your HR department directly to ask if they offer a matching gift program.

  3. Match

    Click on your company’s intranet link provided in the search results. Log in and submit your request electronically.



Fundación Humo del Sur
1302 Waugh Drive #970
Houston, TX 77019


Other Ways to Give

In addition to the donation link above, we can accept payment via ACH or check. Info on both are below:

Nuestro compromiso con nuestros donantes

We will not sell, share, or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations. This policy applies to all information received by Southern Smoke Foundation, both online and offline, on any Platform (“Platform”, includes the Southern Smoke Foundation website and mobile applications), as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications. To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.


Información de donación

For every dollar donated, 85 cents goes directly to programs that provide emergency relief to F + B workers nationwide when there’s a widespread or personal crisis. As an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the state of Texas, Southern Smoke Foundation provides services nationwide throughout all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. All donations to us are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Southern Smoke Foundation’s TAX ID number is 81-2423050.